
Leadership Michelle Prima Leadership Michelle Prima

Take 100% Responsibility for Your Actions

Brave leaders have one thing in common - they take responsibility for their actions. When a leader consistently takes responsibility for their actions, it shows they’ll be dependable if things get tough and that they know how to show accountability for their actions and behavior. They lead by example and show they are not afraid to make tough decisions. 

If you want to live the life of your dreams, you need to realize that the only person responsible for you is YOU! Stop blaming others. You are in control of your life.

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Productivity, Mindset Michelle Prima Productivity, Mindset Michelle Prima

Event + Response = Outcome

What is keeping you from accomplishing your goals? Is it time? The economy? Lack of support from others? Co-workers not doing their part? 

It's easy to blame others. But looking outside of yourself is a strategic error. The most important lesson you must understand is that you are 100 percent responsible for your life – the good and the bad. 

That's where this formula comes in:

E + R = O (Events + Responses = Outcome)

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Productivity Michelle Prima Productivity Michelle Prima

How to Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Have you ever shared your hopes, dreams and goals with someone, only to have them laugh at you or tell you it can't be done? Never listen to the critics. 

If your goals are true to your heart, you have all you need inside you. Nobody needs to motivate you and nobody can stand in your way.

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