Change Your Habits to Increase Productivity
Simple habits achieve remarkable performance. Ask successful people their productivity secret and they’ll typically say it’s consistent daily habits. We are all creatures of habit, but it's important to differentiate between good, or productive habits and time-wasting habits.
Productivity is simply a matter of choosing habits that will help you to work smart every day.
But what exactly are some productive habits?
1. Block off time on your calendar to work without interruption. Don't schedule phone calls or meetings during this time. This is especially helpful when you're trying to finish a large project.
2. Dump the digital. At least for something simple like your To Do list. Having all your tasks on one sheet of paper in front of you makes it easy to see what you have to do for the day. There's also great satisfaction in crossing the items off your list as they're completed.
3. Organize your inbox. Categorize your emails by type - Action (something you need to address), Waiting (someone else needs to address), and Reference (useful information for later).
4. Don't Multitask. Address only one problem/project at a time. You can't focus on writing up a proposal if you're checking your email as it drops into your inbox.
5. Read your email only twice a day. Turn off alerts on your electronic devices. Constantly checking your email while trying to work can bring you down a rabbit hole from which you'll never emerge.
6. Automate what you can. Whether it's posting on social media, filtering your email, or paying bills, there's an app that will automate these task for you.
7. Take regular breaks. Take a brisk walk outside, meditate or socialize every 90 minutes when fatigue starts to set in.
8. Learn to say "NO". As an overachiever, you want to do anything and everything. And although you want to take every opportunity, you need to keep in mind what your most desired goals are. If a task doesn't help you work toward your goals, say no.
Habits are ever-changing. If something works, keep doing it. If it doesn't work, then try a new habit.